Sandblasting Booth - Professional Sandblasting Machine - ArenaBlast

Sandblasting Booths

  • DC 600 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The DC 600 stick blasting cabinet works very easily in a closed circuit.

    The sprayed abrasive is vacuumed, sorted and then recycled. The dust is removed while the pure abrasive is recycled and reused for re-spraying.

    All our equipment is designed and manufactured entirely in France in our factory in Marquette Lez Lille (59).

    (Price: contact us)

  • DS 600 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    The DS600 vacuum blast cabinets, are reserved for very small parts and is a space-saving machine.

    Its vacuum system projects the abrasive thanks to a venturi effect created inside the tungsten carbide nozzle .

    The cyclone at the back of the blast cabinet is used to sort out the dust to be evacuated and the abrasive grains that can be reused.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DF 700 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    The DF Expert Series Bag Cabsare the most advanced vacuummachines   in our ranges.

    The compact and high-performance ventilation system includes three modules to enable continuous dust removal and abrasive recycling, fine dust recovery and dust filtration.

    This system offers greater working comfort for the user and preserves the components of the blasting cabinet.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DC 700 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The DC 700 handle blasting cabinet works very easily in a closed circuit.

    The sprayed abrasive is vacuumed, sorted and then recycled. The dust is removed while the pure abrasive is recycled and reused for re-spraying.

    All our equipment is designed and manufactured entirely in France in our factory in Marquette Lez Lille (59).

    (Price: contact us)

  • DS 700 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The DS vacuum bag cabins use the same principle as all vacuum machines: a venturi system inside the tungsten carbide nozzle is used to project the abrasive onto the sandblasted workpiece.

    The healthy abrasive is then separated from the dust in the cyclone at the back of the blast cabinet. The dust is collected in the collection bag and the abrasive is redirected to the nozzle.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DF 1000 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The Expert DF Series Bag Cabsare the most advanced vacuummachines   in our ranges.

    The compact and high-performance ventilation system includes three modules to enable continuous dust removal and abrasive recycling, fine dust recovery and dust filtration.

    This system offers greater working comfort for the user and preserves the components of the blasting cabinet.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DC 1000 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The DC 1000 Stick Blasting Booth has a very simple operation.

    The sprayed abrasive is vacuumed, sorted and then recycled. The waste is discharged and the pure abrasive is recycled to be resprayed by the machine's tungsten carbide nozzle.

    All our equipment is designed and manufactured entirely in France in our factory in Marquette Lez Lille (59).

    (Price: contact us)

  • DS 1000 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    DS type bag cabins are professional sandblasting machines operating with a vacuum system. That is, the abrasive is projected via a venturi effect created inside the tungsten carbide nozzle .

    The cyclone at the rear of the PRO series machines allows the abrasive to be sorted. Dust is discharged into the dust bag at the back of the sandblaster while larger grains of abrasive are reused.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DF 1250 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    The Expert DF Series Bag Cabsare the most advanced vacuummachines   in our ranges.

    The compact and high-performance ventilation system includes three modules to enable continuous dust removal and abrasive recycling, fine dust recovery and dust filtration.

    This system offers greater working comfort for the user and preserves the components of the blasting cabinet.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DC 1500 - Vacuum Blasting Booth

    The DC 1500 blast stick cabinet is suitable for larger workpieces.

    The operating principle and handling remain the same as in the smaller cabinets: the sprayed abrasive is sucked up, sorted and then recycled.

    All our equipment is designed and manufactured entirely in France in our factory in Marquette Lez Lille (59).

    (Price: contact us)

  • DS 1500 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    The DS1500 sandblasting machines are the largest machines in the PRO range.

    The operating mode of these cabins is the same as for the other DS type machines: the abrasive is projected thanks to the venturi system of the tungsten carbide nozzle .

    It is then separated from the dust; The dust is discharged into the recovery system integrated into the baghouse, and the pure abrasive is recycled and reinjected into the nozzle.

    (Price: contact us)

  • DF 1500 - Vacuum blasting cabinet

    The Expert DF Series Bag Cabsare the most advanced vacuummachines   in our ranges.

    The compact and high-performance ventilation system includes three modules to enable continuous dust removal and abrasive recycling, fine dust recovery and dust filtration.

    This system offers greater working comfort for the user and preserves the components of the blasting cabinet.

    (Price: contact us)

What equipment is essential to operate a sandblasting cabinet?

At ARENA, we want to make our sandblasting solutions accessible to everyone. To individuals as well as to industrialists, to craftsmen as well as to multinationals; Our machines require a 220 volt single-phase power supply.

To supply compressed air, all our bag cabins need a compressor. The consumption of the blast cabinet depends on the abrasive blasting mechanism.

How is the abrasive sprayed?

There are 2 different means of projection in the bag booths in our range:

Vacuum machines, otherwise known as suction machines, are equipped with a venturi process gun that allows the abrasive to be sucked up from the tank and projected through a nozzle, it is a technically simple and economical system. In our baghouse the vacuum machines are those starting with the letter D: DC, DS, DF.

Pressure (or overpressure) machines incorporate a tank containing the sandblasting media which is pressurized in order to expel the abrasive through a lance ending in a nozzle, the pressure blasting system has an efficiency 2 to 3 times higher than the vacuum system, but it is technically more complex. Our pressure booths are type PS and PF booths.

The means of projection and the frequency of use are closely linked.

The different ranges of ARENA sandblasting cabinets

We have established our 3 ranges according to the optimal frequency of use of the machines:

The ECO range has been designed for occasional use of sleeve cabs. It is suitable for any type of surface treatment.

The machines in our PRO range have been designed for a standard use of sandblasting equipment of approximately 2 hours per day. This range includes a type of vacuum blaster, the DS machines, and an overpressure type, the PS.

The machines in the EXPERT range are the most sophisticated and are the ones with high-quality components. There are also vacuum machines, DF, and pressure booster machines, PF, in this range.

The ranges are physically differentiated by the different paints of the booths depending on the range but also and especially on the back of the booth.

The DC cabs in our ECO range have only one block at the rear of the machine. It includes the filter cartridge which is intended to retain dust and impurities before they fall into the dust collection bag just below.

PRO machines have an additional module on the back. This is an abrasive recycling cyclone. It is used to keep and reinject healthy abrasive grains into the nozzle for reuse.

The EXPERT range has a third element on the back of its machines: a second dust recycling cyclone which serves to protect the turbine and maintain a healthy and dust-free blasting atmosphere.

What about abrasives? / What are the abrasives to be used in sandblasting?

As far as sandblasting agents are concerned, all our machines can spray any type of abrasive! The only limit is the one imposed by the nozzle diameter of your machine. In general, it is customary to consider that a nozzle will only be compatible with grains less than a quarter of its internal diameter (nozzle of 4 mm = grains less than 1 mm)

As our bag cabinets benefit from an abrasive recycling system, recyclable abrasives are recommended for use in the blasting cabinet. Recyclable abrasives are ideal for use in the blast booth and can be sprayed several times before breaking and turning into unusable dust.

These abrasives can be made of a wide variety of materials, including: minerals, glass, metal, plastic, ceramics, etc.

Each material and form of abrasive has its own technical characteristics and strengths depending on the desired processing.

There are 3 main types of abrasives:

Angular abrasives tear material off the surface of parts. They are perfect for deburring, stripping, deoxidizing, etching or creating roughness.

Spherical abrasives such as microbeads (glass or ceramic) are generally used for cleaning, renovating or satin-finishing. They are often used on clean parts to give a clean and homogeneous finish state, whether on an entire part or on welds for example. Thanks to their round shape, these balls create a smooth surface finish on all metal parts.

The third type of abrasive is scrubbing abrasives. Usually made of plastic or vegetable material, they do not attack the surface of the room. They are mainly used to clean or treat delicate parts.

What sizes of sandblasting machine?

Our sandblasting cabinets are as versatile as possible; Our standard cabs benefit from a wide range of different sizes, often available from stock, ranging from 600 to 1500 mm wide.

We generally recommend that there is sufficient room between the size of the room and the size of the booth so that the room can be handled inside the booth easily. Most of the time, we estimate between 10 and 20 cm of spacing around the room to be able to handle it easily.

In the case of special dimensions, we can make sandblasting cabinets of any size, contact us to find out more about the possibilities!

A few words about us

Manufacturers of machines in the north of France for more than 40 years, we monitor spare parts over several years and have the right parts for each machine in stock in our premises. We ensure a response to any request within 24 hours maximum and availability of spare parts with delivery within 48 to 72 hours.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any sandblasting project. Our team of experts will certainly be able to provide you with information.

We are available by phone, email or via the contact tab.

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