cabine de sablage gamme eco avant et arriere

Vacuum Spraying System


The ECO range allows sandblasting operations to be carried out thanks to a vacuum abrasive projection system.

This system uses the Venturi effect. Easy to use, easy adjustments and easy maintenance. It is ideally suited for multiple impact surface treatments.

Description of the ECO Range

Cab with a blast nozzle (foot pedal control) and a manual blow gun

Sealed booth with closed-loop abrasive recycling

Single module ventilation:

    • Filter cartridge: Dust filtration at 5 μm

Multiple settings:

    • Blasting pressure regulator between 0 and 8 bar with pressure gauge
    • Machine height (3 settings from + to - 50 mm)

Quick and easy abrasive emptying

Intuitive replacement of wear elements (gloves, windows, filters, nozzles, etc.)

Click here for more details on each model

Operating diagram of the ECO Cab

Schéma Traitement Flux Cabine de Sablage ECO ARENA

Available models

Cabine de sablage eco gamme complete et tailles