ARENA BLAST industrial blowing and dedusting technologies

At ARENA BLAST, we have over 45 years' experience in the development of our equipment. We can help you purchase or renew your industrial air treatment systems. Whether it's a cleaner or a blower, our industrial dedusting cabins can meet your requirements.

ARENA BLAST also offers a wide range of options that can be adapted to your specific needs. Compressed-air blast cleaning, particularly of filters, can be difficult and dangerous! Dust, dirt, an unbreathable and dangerous environment... Air-blast cleaning has many drawbacks. Since the emergence of the ISO 14001 standard, and the development of corporate CSR, which aims to limit the impact of companies of all sizes and in all sectors on the environment, many managers (such as CHSCT, CRAM, QHSE...) have been urged to look for solutions that are sustainable, comfortable, and respectful of both the operator and the environment. With this in mind, ARENA's teams are striving to develop a range of dust extraction cabins that meet these requirements.

What's an industrial dust collector for?

Industrial dedusting is a post-treatment solution for all types of materials, from metals and metal alloys such as steel and stainless steel, to wood dust and plastic parts.

The possible fields of application for dedusting cabins are wide-ranging. The best-known is filter blowing. However, the cleaning of powdered parts, the recycling of ink cartridges and the maintenance of IT equipment are all possible applications for blowing/dusting treatment. Surface preparation can also be carried out in this way, by cleaning surfaces prior to painting, for example. In industrial maintenance, to extend the life of equipment in perfect working order. Or in woodworking, to treat and then vacuum the dust produced by joinery operations.

The function of these industrial dust collectors is to blow out filters or other parts at high pressure. These parts can be contaminated in a variety of ways, by dust, particles or swarf. In a hermetically sealed enclosure, high-performance blowing takes place. This means no risk of inhalation for the operator during handling, and no contamination of the ambient air by the dust generated.

Features of ARENA BLAST industrial dust collectors

A wide range of industrial dust collectors

ARENA BLAST has developed a wide range of industrial dust collectors in a variety of sizes to handle a wide range of parts. They range from 700 mm wide and 646 mm deep to 1500 mm wide and 995 mm deep. The aim is to offer a catalog of cabin sizes that reconcile workshop space constraints with expectations in terms of part capacity in the machine's treatment boxes.

Parts are blown by compressed air projected through a flexible hose leading to a nozzle inside the machine. Once dirt, dust, residues or fine particles have been removed from the cabin enclosure, the suction system takes care of evacuating everything to the rear of the machine, to the dust collection bag. The air discharged into the room leaves the cabin clean after filtration. It is dedusted by a filter cartridge and an integrated sequential automatic cleaning system. This is how our cabins and their dust removal systems are adapted to all types of activity, from occasional dust removal to intensive industrial dust removal.

High-speed industrial dust collectors

For dust-intensive blowing applications requiring high performance, we offer a High Flow range, equipped with an additional, more powerful module. This module is an additional dust collector connected to the cabin by a duct. It incorporates 4 large antistatic filter cartridges. The dust collector acts as a separator between the particles present in the air, filtering out as many as possible. It increases ventilation flow and removes fine dust more efficiently. The automatic sequential unclogging system maintains dust removal performance and reduces machine maintenance to a minimum. The dust, stopped by the 4 cartridges and their filters, is then collected in a disposable plastic bag.

Wide range of options and customization to suit your needs

Several options are available, for both blowing cabins and additional dust collectors. Ionized air blowers in pistol form can be fitted to our dust cabins. They are used in a variety of industries to remove dust, particles and electrostatic charges from different surfaces. Ionized air blown onto materials neutralizes electrostatic charges and reduces dust accumulation. In environments where particulate contamination can be a nuisance, this tool can prove very practical. When it comes to filtration, we offer a HEPA H13 filter option to further reduce the size of filtered particles. These filters are capable of filtering 99.9% of particles. They are used to further improve indoor air quality. Equally important to filtration is the handling of the parts and their practicality during treatment. With this in mind, ARENA offers equipment that simplifies the movement of parts. The loading cart and turntable (available in two diameters) allow circular loading and rotation of objects, so that heavy, bulky items do not become an obstacle to handling. A roller support for filters is also available to facilitate handling within the machine.

The advantages of using an additional industrial dust collector

Blasting in a baghouse offers a number of major advantages, not least the protection of operators' health and the preservation of the working environment. ARENA BLAST dust extraction cabins are hermetically sealed, and the dust extraction system from the treated parts reduces the PPE required for operator handling to a minimum. Indeed, without a totally hermetic machine with a good vacuum system and dust extraction module (type DPE 750 or DPE 400), dust extraction operations can present significant risks. Dust and dirt of all kinds can be propelled at high speed by compressed air, injuring nearby operators. Depending on the type of dust being blown, there are other risks: flammable dusts are more likely to explode, and toxic dusts can be dangerous if inhaled. Reducing the noise caused by this activity is also an advantage, especially as our cabins are fitted with silencers to minimize noise pollution.

How to use and maintain an industrial dust collector

ARENA BLAST industrial dust collectors are very simple and intuitive to use. After connecting the corrugated hose between the blowing booth and the additional dust collector, simply plug the electrical plug into the female socket on the blowing booth. The dust collector's filter cleaning system is controlled from the main cabin. The 2 black hoses controlling the filter cleaning system are connected to the push-in fittings on the side of the cabin. The cleaning pressure is set using the pressure regulator on the blast cabin dashboard. Industrial dust collectors are also easy and intuitive to maintain. It is recommended to check the condition of the filter cartridges every 70 hours, depending on the type of application. Obviously, if the cartridges become excessively clogged, a dusty atmosphere is created in the cabin. To remove the filter cartridges, follow these steps: close and lock the compressed air supply valve, open the front access hatch, remove the filter cartridges and unscrew the fixing nuts. Finally, when the plastic dust bag is full, loosen the strap and replace the bag.

For a long time, tasks such as filter blowing, dust removal from dusty parts, dry treatment to remove powdery products from contaminated objects, recycling and industrial maintenance have been unpleasant and messy. Thanks to ARENA BLAST machines, designed and manufactured 100% in France, dust removal becomes a centralized task that protects the working environment from pollution, right down to the finest dust. In fact, the use of our cabins for blowing and dedusting becomes the most efficient and environmentally-friendly way for operators.

Don't hesitate to contact usfor answers to your questions, or for further information about our dust cabins and their additional dust collectors.

Discover our machines

Since 1979, all our machines and equipment have been designed and manufactured in our workshop in northern France.

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