Some manufacturers need both automation and precision in their impact surface treatment operations. Rotating baskets, or simple axes, are not sufficient or damage the parts. It is therefore necessary to equip the machine with a robot, or cobot, to carry out precise movements in complete autonomy and safety.

Cabine de sablage avec robot UR

The difficulty with a machine of this type lies in its resistance to the elements, since sandblasting generates a highly abrasive environment. ARENA's over 40 years' experience in the design and manufacture of sandblasting machines has enabled us to design machines with robot arms that are powerful, robust and compact. The robot is fitted with a special protective cover to prevent abrasive from damaging the various axes. 

Buse de sablage sur bras robot UR

This machine, entirely computer-designed before being manufactured in our workshop, enables the operator to easily configure the trajectory of the UR cobot. He positions the part on the carriage table and can choose to define the trajectory either manually, by gripping the handle, or via the HMI screen.

Cabine de sablage avec robot UR

See also our other automatic sandblasting machines



Since 1979, all our machines, from the simplest to the most advanced, have been designed and manufactured in our workshop in northern France.

For more information: please contact us