Automatic sandblasting/microblasting cabinet with rotating basket dedicated to de-powdering and surface treatment for parts printed in 3D using SLS and MJF technologies.
This is the machine for post processing in additive manufacturing.
Recognized specialist in the sandblasting cabinets for more than 40 years, ARENA has brought together the best of its technologies and the features of its machines to meet the growing need for post-3D printing processing in a single booth !
The 3DX-PERT has been designed to process 3D printed parts using Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) or Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) additive manufacturing. The parts arepowdered and their roughness is reduced for a homogeneous surface finish. The removable turntable basket is designed for optimal part mixing and allows for automatic sanding and complete blowing while preserving their geometry.
Also discover our other sandblasting machines
Since 1979 all our cabins have been designed and manufactured in our workshop in the north of France.
For more information: contact us