SCOREX SC06 Sandblasting Sand (25kg)
€16.75 HTAvailable for purchase in different grain sizes and packaging.
For any order over 100 kg*, you can benefit from a sliding scale rate.
➔ Contact us via the contact section, by email at devis@arenablast.com or by phone at
*Decreasing rate applicable for the purchase of more than 100 kg of the same reference.
Set of 5 VI 3 screens
€101.50 HTSet of 5 glass screens for C1520 sandblasting helmet (205 x 155 mm)
Set of 5 VI 4 screens
€101.50 HTSet of 5 glass screens for C1520 sandblasting helmet (235 x 220 mm)
Sleeve Pair with Sleeves CMV1 E
€69.30 HTPair of sleeves with elastic sleeves without gloves.
Compatible with all our sleeve cabins
SP1 plastic bags
€45.40 HTSet of 50 dust bags width 350mm.
ATTENTION: check compatibility in the description (further down this page).
ATTENTION: The contents of these bags should not be put back in the machine! These bags are made to be thrown away.
SP2 plastic bags
€45.40 HTSet of 35+15 dust collection bags 300 and 400 mm wide for EXPERT range bag blasting cabinets.
These bags are used to recover the waste evacuated by the machine: used abrasive and residues of the sandblasted material.
ATTENTION: The contents of these bags should not be put back in the machine! These bags are made to be thrown away.
Online shop of the site for the purchase of abrasives, main spare parts and consumables