Sandblasters, Airgummers & Guns | ARENA

Free jet sandblasting

  • A15C - Professional engraving Gun

    €166.00 HT

    ARENA Engraving Gun with 8mm Tungsten Carbide Nozzle

  • Mobile Pressure Sandblasting Machine - NS8-40T

    Mobile overpressure sandblasting machine allowing high-intensity sandblasting operations to be carried out. The 8 L pressure pot allows surface treatments 3 to 5 times faster than with a basic vacuum/suction system.

    Design and manufacture 100% in our workshop in the North of France.  

    (Price: contact us)

  • NS 8TE Pressurized sandblaster

    The NS8T E mobile sandblaster is a high-pressure air blaster designed for high-intensity sandblasting operations. The 8L pressurized tank allows surface treatments to be completed 3 to 5 times faster than with a basic vacuum/suction system. Indeed, the abrasive is projected with much more speed and efficiency.

    100% designed and manufactured in our workshop in the North of France.

    (Contact us to receive a quotation)

  • P200 - Pack free jet sandblasting gun with nozzle Ø5

    €241.00 HT

    The free jet sandblasting gun pack will give you access to all the necessary equipment (excluding compressor) for your airbrushing and simple sandblasting operations

    Very easy to use and robust over time thanks to its Ø5 tungsten carbide sandblasting nozzle 

  • P200 C - Mobile suction sandblaster with cart / Ø5 nozzle /...

    €600.00 HT

    The P200C mobile sandblaster, or airbrush, is equipped with a tank carriage. The abrasive, stored in the carriage, is sucked in from the bottom of the carriage and is projected via the gun's tungsten carbide nozzle.

    Like the P200 gun, the 5mm nozzle requires a 2.5 horsepower compressor for optimal operation.

  • P450 - Pack free jet sandblasting gun with nozzle Ø6

    €241.00 HT

    The free jet sandblasting gun pack will give you access to all the necessary equipment (excluding compressor) for your airbrushing and simple sandblasting operations

    Very easy to use and robust over time thanks to its Ø6 tungsten carbide sandblasting nozzle 

  • P450C - Mobile suction sandblaster with cart / Ø6 nozzle /...

    €600.00 HT

    The P450 C mobile sandblaster has a mobile trolley that serves as an abrasive tank. The blasting media is sucked at the bottom of the hopper to be injected into the tungsten carbide nozzle for blasting.

    As with the P450, the compressor power needed for ideal operation is 5 horsepower.

  • P800 - Pack free jet sandblasting gun with nozzle Ø8

    €241.00 HT

    The free jet sandblasting gun pack will give you access to all the necessary equipment (excluding compressor) for your airbrushing and simple sandblasting operations

    Very easy to use and robust over time thanks to its Ø8 tungsten carbide sandblasting nozzle 

  • P800 C - Mobile suction sandblaster with cart / Ø8 nozzle /...

    €600.00 HT

    The P800C mobile sandblaster or airgummer includes, in addition to the trigger gun with tungsten carbide nozzle Ø 8 mm, a carriage that serves as an abrasive tank. The grains are sucked up from the bottom of the hopper to sand.

    Space-saving, this trolley will be perfect for any type of outdoor sandblasting.

Free-jet sandblasters and sandblasting guns

The different models of Arena Blast sandblaster and sandblasting guns

Arena Blast offers different models of sandblasters and sandblasting machines to suit all modes of use and your different industrial jobs.

Provider of sandblasting and surface treatment solutions for more than 40 years, Arena Blast will help you find the sandblaster or sandblasting machine that best suits your needs.

Mobile overpressure sandblasting machine

The mobile overpressure sandblaster is a machine that allows, as its name suggests, to carry out sandblasting in any place.

Working with an overpressure sandblasting system, this sandblasting machine model allows you to carry out your sandblasting work both indoors, preferably in a sandblasting container or a room with a powerful ventilation system, and outdoors for large rooms or construction sites.

The abrasive tank on this type of sandblaster is pressurized and the abrasive is then sprayed to allow you to blast at high intensity and efficiently (3 to 5 times faster than the vacuum blasting system).

Mobile vacuum sandblasting machine

Mobile vacuum sandblasters are also transportable machines to allow you to carry out your sandblasting tools where you need it.

The vacuum sandblaster works like vacuum bag cabins, the abrasive is then contained in the sandblaster's hopper and is projected onto the surface to be treated by the Venturi effect.

Overpressure air gumming machine

The overpressure sandblasting machine is none other than a mobile overpressure sandblasting machine that allows you to carry out high-intensity sandblasting for less important operations because the nozzle and the tank are smaller. 

The pressure pot still allows surface treatments up to 5 times faster than with a vacuum sandblaster.

Indeed, the overpressure of the sandblaster allows the abrasive to be projected thanks to this force and has a greater speed increasing the yield of the sandblasting.

Their design is 100% French and takes place in our workshop in the North of France.

Free jet sandblasting guns

If your need for sandblasting is less recurring, compressed air sandblasting guns can be the ideal solution for your airbrushing.

Indeed, with their vacuum system, they are the perfect tool for spot sanding and do not require a high-intensity compressor.

The sandblasting gun can be without a sandblaster and will allow abrasives to be projected. In this case, it either consists of an abrasive tank directly connected to the gun or it has a tube that is immersed in the abrasive bag.

What is a sandblaster ?

A sandblaster is a surface treatment tool that uses blasting of sand (sandblasting) to clean, strip or prepare different materials.

The sandblaster requires abrasives (material used for sanding, usually sand but also glass microbeads or corundum) that it will project onto the surface in order to strip paint, rust, encrusted dirt, etc.

Sandblasting is now used in many industrial and professional fields to facilitate the cleaning and stripping of many parts, especially after long storage. 

For example, the construction sector to clean surfaces such as stone or concrete, the automotive industry which prepares bodywork with a sandblaster before painting them, or furniture restorers to remove paint or varnish.

All types of professionals can use a sandblaster, mobile or not, to remove rust or impurities and restore a new look.

There are 3 types of sandblasters that are useful in different cases depending on the size of the surfaces but also the frequency of use ;

  • Pressure sandblaster: Ideal for large areas and regular, heavy-duty work
  • Vacuum sandblaster: With its more compact format, it allows easier movements but it is also suitable for small jobs
  • Sandblasting booth is reserved for small items that can fit into the booth. Its closed and airtight working environment allows the abrasive to be recovered, recycled and to make significant savings in media consumption. It is also a system that allows the operator to work more comfortably and precisely because the PPE will be much more limited than with mobile sandblasters. Indeed, wearing a mask, gloves and goggles will potentially be necessary only during the loading/unloading phases of the parts in the machine. During sandblasting operations, only earplugs are recommended.

With different models to meet all sandblasting or shot blasting needs, ARENA BLAST sandblasters and airgummers are able to increase to a high efficiency with their power that varies according to the size of the sandblasting nozzle chosen.

A very effective tool, the sandblaster is also a tool that requires some precautions. We recommend using suitable personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, mask) to avoid the risk of injury or contamination following exposure to dust generated by sandblasting or shot blasting.

How does a sandblaster work ?

The sandblaster or sandblasting gun is based on a simple but ingenious operation: an abrasive is projected using compressed air onto a surface at very high speed. The spraying process varies slightly depending on the type of sandblaster, but the general principle remains the same.

In more detail, the operation is based first of all on an air compressor for sandblasters which generates a high pressure that will be used to project the abrasive onto the surface to be cleaned. Different types of abrasives can be used depending on the material and the work to be done (sand, grit, corundum, microbeads, etc.).

When using the sandblaster, a mixture of compressed air and abrasive is expelled by the sandblasting gun via a nozzle and allows the surface to clean itself by removing layers of unwanted materials (rust, paint, dirt, etc.).

In short, a sandblasting machine works on a perfect balance between the power of the compressed air, the choice of abrasive and the precision of the adjustment. Used properly, it becomes an essential tool to bring all kinds of surfaces back to life.

When should you use a sandblaster?

The use of a sandblaster often depends on your specific uses, whether it is the type of material to be sandblasted, the place of execution or the frequency of use of a sandblaster.

For example, when the parts you want to strip are large, they may not be able to be processed in a  conventional sandblasting cabinet. It is then possible to use a free-jet sandblaster, outdoors, on site or in a room set up to carry out sandblasting.

If you use a sandblaster indoors, we recommend that you protect the operator, both in terms of breathing and hearing. Wearing a sandblasting helmet,  for example, allows complete protection for the sandblaster operator(s).