cabine de sablage gamme PRO avant et arriere

Vacuum or overpressure spraying system


The PRO range offers two possibilities for abrasive spraying systems:

  • The vacuum system uses the Venturi effect. Easy to use, easy adjustments and easy maintenance. This system is suitable for multiple impact surface treatments.
  • The overpressure system allows for higher abrasive flow rates than the vacuum. With a more efficient, intense and powerful use, it offers 2 to 3 times higher yields. Ideal for tough jobs such as epoxy paint removal.

Description of the PRO Range

Cab with sandblasting nozzle (pedal control) and manual blow gun.

Compact and high-performance two-module ventilation:

  • Cyclone Abrasive Recycling: Dust Removal and Abrasive Recycling
  • Filter cartridge: Dust filtration at 5 μm with a pneumatic and automatic cleaning system.

Multiple settings:

  • Blasting pressure regulator between 0 and 8 bar with pressure gauge
  • Airflow adapted to the abrasive particle size for easy separation of abrasive and dust
  • Machine height (3 settings from + to - 50 mm)

Quick and easy abrasive emptying

Intuitive replacement of wear elements (gloves, windows, filters, nozzles, etc.)

Click here for more details on each model

Operating diagram of the PRO Cab

Schéma Traitement Flux Cabine de Sablage PRO ARENA

Available models

Modeles cabine de sablage gamme PRO