The visors of hope!

Because solidarity is everyone's business, and because the fight we are currently waging concerns the whole world, ARENA is happy to participate, at its own level, in the fight against this virus and with the help of the healthcare staff.
Indeed, we were approached a few days ago by our loyal customer Decathlon, and we did not hesitate for a second before responding favorably to their request. This is how a machine was lent to them free of charge, in order to double the rate of post-treatment by sandblasting the 3D printed visor elements. Abrasive was also sent free of charge to their warehouse to supply the ARENA sandblasting cabinets.
By joining the "Visors of Hope" operation, our entire team is proud to participate in a solidarity and national project. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the other companies without whom none of this would be possible. It is together that we will fight what concerns us all.
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